White turtle Call
At the end of every cycle, the white turtle appears in good or bad times. Both carry deep wisdom that wants to be integrated to support the next step in the evolution of all life.
The white turtle, a sacred guardian, bridges the gap between the land and the mother of all life, engaging in a profound dialogue that transcends earthly boundaries.
The turtle's voice strengthens and beckons us to listen in significant transitions.
In the deep listen, we emit a radiance that resonates with the turtle's heart.
Turtle is helping us transform experience into wisdom and then return the gift of wisdom to all life.
Mankind has experienced tremendous changes. All the colors of humanity came together, and it is time to share this wisdom with all life.
Not only in the now but also in this conscious process for the next generations.
The white turtle is starting to show itself. We are all hearing this call to come together and hold the space where the voice of life is heard.
The fires have been lit in all the tribes to come together.
Now, let’s take the next step: Come together and listen to our own story. Listen to how truth evolves inside. We can see how this creation works through us if we start hearing ourselves.
This active listening is the key to unlocking the bigger dream that runs through all of us.
The turtle asks us to start a new story. To really come to a shared wisdom, we must begin building together. In that way, we demonstrate our progress as human beings to all life.

The Question being asked
So here is a big question we ask.
Can we please start to lay a stone circle all around Turtle Island?
We can start to inform the stone people with our values as we come together. They understand and carry that wisdom, and the language of values is the door that opens the liminal space that connects everything.
Making a circle of 12 sacred places around Turtle Island will help all life evolve.

In 2015, during the COP21 in Paris, a group of indigenous people was doing a ceremony with a sacred fire. Nature gave a clear message about the 12 + 1 during that fire. It said yes to this new covenant with nature. Four animals showed up and gave a nod to say, we agree.
It was the Robin, the Boar, the ducks, and the deer.
All four showed up and gave their sign of approval.
Ever since that moment, if you lay down a circle of 12 + 1 stone, the circle starts radiating and bringing life and evolution.
Please try it yourself. Just find 13 stones. Put 12 in a circle and the 13th where you are guided to put it. It might be in the circle but also somewhere else.
Please remember, there is nothing in this universe so beautiful as human beings connecting their hearts and working together. That is a light that can be seen throughout the universe.
Let us make these sacred places and bind our love to support the message for future generations. Let’s be that example.

We want to start making this movement in September in Chicago.
Who feel guided, please join us in Chicago, here we can talk about it and together lay this circle
Join us in Chicago.
On September 28th and 29th we will come together to start this movement.
Download the invitation